Chiropractic Care – A Brief History

Chiropractors have been practicing this form of medicine for more than a hundred years. Chiropractic consists of a variety of therapies, ranging from spinal manipulation to physiotherapy and exercise to diet and nutritional supplements. Although there is no proven scientific evidence that chiropractic care is effective, its popularity has increased greatly in recent years. ChiropracticContinue reading “Chiropractic Care – A Brief History”

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors are trained to examine the body’s systems and help identify and correct conditions. Their primary focus is the correction of alignment and the improvement of functionality. As such, their care involves treating the patient, identifying the condition, treating the cause and preventing future problems. Natural Care Chiropractic is an alternative and complementary medical disciplineContinue reading “Chiropractic Care”

Natural Care Chiropractor Clinic

Natural Care Chiropractor is a fully licensed chiropractic doctor in Natural Care Chiropractor. Dr. Mark Freund, who is an active chiropractor since the early 90’s, has decided to take it upon himself to research other health care professions and be a chiropractor too. He has joined the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and was electedContinue reading “Natural Care Chiropractor Clinic”

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